
The Color, Materials and Trends Exploration Laboratory (CMTEL) was founded in 2006 through a grant from Nokia Corporation. The intent was to create a new space for learning in which participants would be inspired by emerging materials and color technologies in an industrial design context. Home to the Product Design department, CMTEL is led by faculty director Marshall Hamachi.

The Lab’s primary role is to lead and create student learning experiences focused on Color, Material and Finish (CMF) Design, informed by key research trends, and incorporating design for sustainability. These learning experiences are intended to address student curricular needs, current industry practices, and research topics influencing industrial design futures. Corresponding activity will occur in both physical and digital environments.

Project activity focuses on three areas: Research, Resources and Students. Research will target emerging color, material and technology developments related to industrial design. Resulting research insights will drive the creation of lab tools and resources for both physical and digital contexts. Compiled resources will empower students to deepen their design process, and be available for in-lab use as well as online through CMTEL’s Learning Resources website.